Sunday, June 29, 2008

Essentials of Success

Ingredients of Success : Major(R)Khalid Nasr
There are four core(KORE) elements of success: 1.Knowledge:Before one begins down the road of success,he needs knowledge. 2.Opprtunity:Success happents when our capabilities meet an opportunity.3.Risk:Many times taking advantage of opportunities requires risk. 4.Excellence:Businesses, organizations, and people who succeed are the ones who operate from a base of excellence. 1.KNOWLEDGE : The starting point in the elements of success is Knowledge. This is becoming increasingly important as we continue deeper into the information and technology age. There simply is no turning back now. Even jobs that used to take very little knowledge require some because of automation etc. So here are some thoughts on ways to increase your knowledge and become more successful: a. Become a self-learner. Successful people love learning. Reading is one of the most enjoyable ways to learn more. b.Job-specific training. I think everybody, regardless of his or her level in the organization, should be continually trained in their job. c. Advanced education. Increasing you knowledge will not only help you perform better on the job, it will help you become a better person. 2.OPPORTUNITY: The successful people who I have met and worked with are people who have an eye for opportunity. Is that something they are born with? Absolutely not! If anything, being able to see opportunity is an attitude. Yes, wisdom is an important part, but if you believe there is nothing good under the sun, that there is no opportunity, then you won’t achieve much. Instead, it is an attitude that does not see any circumstance as a problem, but sees it as, you guessed it, an opportunity. A great achiever said, “There is never a money problem, only an idea problem.” He saw opportunity, not a lack of funds, and he simply needed to find the way to take advantage of the opportunity! So where do you begin? Can you, with your strengths, meet any of the needs of the population you are trying to reach or serve? Their needs are your opportunities! What is currently working? This is the “ride the wave” point. Take advantage of momentum. Don’t settle for the good that you are experiencing. Ask if you can stretch further. Don’t look at what ought to be successful, but go further with what is successful! 3.RISK : It is true that many people who have knowledge and the opportunity to see success, never do, simply because they are unwilling to take risks. Most successful people achieve what they do because somewhere along the line they stepped out in faith and took a risk. Yes, many fail at this point, but at least they attempted greatness. And while many fail, many succeed tremendously and receive the reward, often helping many others as well. Here are some thoughts to help you take risks and see great achievement in your life. Count the cost of not risking. Most of us think of what we might lose if we risk, but what will we lose if we don’t risk? Realistically understand the worst case scenario. It usually isn’t nearly as bad as we might assume, making it all the more worthwhile to risk. Most risks don’t end up at the worst. Calculate your risk. Since the risk isn’t as much as we usually think it is, it helps to lie out the strategy beforehand. Then you know what you’re up against and have a plan of action.Prepare fully. What most often keeps us from risk is fear. One of the best ways to fight fear is to be fully prepared. This helps our minds to be rooted in fact rather than swayed by emotion. 4.EXCELLENCE: Most people, if they have the drive and know where to look, can get knowledge. Everyone can take advantage of opportunity. A select few, relatively speaking, will take the risk needed to launch out to succeed. But what really sets the successful apart from the unsuccessful, or even just the average, is excellence. So what are some ideas to have excellence be you shining mark? Here are a few: First, cultivate an attitude of excellence. Excellence must be your stated goal. Everyone in your business, school, or organization should know that excellence is the benchmark. You should desire it.Second, define excellence. What does excellence look like for you or your group? This then, is the goal. Here are some areas to begin looking at: My personal life. Do I strive for excellence in my personal life? Do I know what areas I can improve upon, and do I try to achieve excellence in those areas? What about these specific areas: Financial, spiritual, physical, emotional, intellectual? Customer service. Excellence is defined here not in how we think we are doing, but in how the customer thinks we are doing. Have you asked lately how you are doing in this area? Ask for suggestions on how to excel. Then you can work on achieving it. Employee satisfaction. You will more likely achieve excellence if you have deeply satisfied employees. How can you make it an excellent place to work Product. Is your product excellent? Is your whole line? Perhaps you may want to sell fewer, but much better, items. It’s great to be associated with excellent products. Atmosphere. What does your home, store or office look, sound, and smell like? Is it a help or hindrance? I encourage you to brainstorm with your family or staff. The results could be excellence!

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