Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Power Of Forgiveness : Major(R)Khalid Nasr

Power of forgiveness is knowing that we are capable of handling the same situation if it arises again. People who forgive are people who know they will be able to handle the situation appropriately if it arises again.
It no longer is the other person, but rather - for having permitted the transgressions to continue - it sadly becomes themselves.
Thus self-forgiveness is what truly becomes the first and most necessary spiritual act.

Forgivness is unresisting,we require it as oxygen to our sole please take a lung full and exhale away any resistance you have to the man.
The act of forgiving someone is not for their benefit, but for our own. When you look at it from a "selfish" standpoint, it becomes easier to do. For when you truly forgive others, you are freeing your heart from resentments that are taking up precious space in your soul, where love of self and of others could be residing.
When you forgive, remember it is not for them, but it is for you.

1 comment:

jameelzaidi7 said...

Forgiveness is removing a road-block or an impediment for quicker attainment of objective by stepping-up the tempo; whereas grudge & remorse is one's inability to surmount the hurdle by getting stuck in the bye-ways & hedges and forgetting the goals & objectives altogether.
Jameel Zaidi